Kangaroo and cub looking for food coloring page

Kangaroo and cub looking for food


The Kangaroo and cub looking for food coloring page is completely free to print and download. The kangaroo family consists of 11 genera and 62 species. The maximum length is 3 meters in the eastern gray kangaroo. Second, a giant red kangaroo is 1.65 meters tall.

Kangaroo and cub

However, the red giant kangaroo is not a very heavy animal. Its weight is around 45 kilograms on average. While the eastern kangaroo weighs 95 kg, its maximum weight is 85 kg. Generally, male kangaroos are larger than females. The growth of males continues until they are older, while the growth of females is suspended for a short time after reproduction begins. The female gray or yellow kangaroo weighing 15-20 kg, which is the first to participate in breeding, is 5-6 times more than her. In contrast, small kangaroos of different sexes have similar sizes to adults.

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